Monday, July 18, 2022

I got shot

I know it's still early but today, I got shot. Yesterday, I got shot. My history and experience tells me that tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow I'll get shot. I stopped, I got shot. I reached for requested documentation, I got shot. I had my cell phone in my hand, I got shot. I had a legal weapon and said so, I got shot. I ran in fear, I got shot. I was 12 years old playing alone in a park, I got shot. I was driving an old car that backfired, I got shot. I was asleep in my bed, I got shot. I was relaxing, alone in my home, I got shot. A neighbor was concerned about me, called for help, I got shot. I committed a non-violent low level felony with no indication of a weapon, I didn't get shot. I got suffocated. I carried a sign saying stop shooting me. I got shot.

White men kill police officers or parade participants or church goers or protesters and get their day in court and maybe even lunch, or a glass of water and a thank you, for good measure. I get handcuffed while dying in the street. The rivers are becoming salty from my tears. But it's okay, because it's my fault. I got shot.